The forward thinking air filter company.

HEPA filters

HEPA filters

We stock mini pleat, deep pleat and absolute filters for laminar flows, in efficiencies from 95 - 99.999%. Supplied in MDF, galvanised, stainless steel, pleats separated by corrugated aluminium or thermoplastic. Set in a wooden or metal housing with double or single seal as required.

As you may be aware there are many different types of HEPAs & mini pleat filters. If you do not see what you require here, we ask that you contact us with your requirements such as type, size, grade and we will advise you on costs and lead time.

For more details click the pictures below.

H10 HEPA filters (steel case, aluminium spacers)

H10 HEPA filters (steel case, aluminium spacers)

H10 HEPA filters (steel case, aluminium spacers)..

H13 HEPA filters (steel case, aluminium spacers)

H13 HEPA filters (steel case, aluminium spacers)

H13 HEPA filters (steel case, aluminium spacers)..

H13/H14 HEPA filters (MDF case, aluminium spacers)

H13/H14 HEPA filters (MDF case, aluminium spacers)

Deep pleat filter. MDF casing, aluminium separator, 2 x mesh, 1 x gasket...

H13/H14 HEPA filters (Multi Wedge Filter, MDF Casing)

H13/H14 HEPA filters (Multi Wedge Filter, MDF Casing)

H13/H14 HEPA filters (Multi Wedge Filter, MDF Casing)..

H14 aluminium frame mini pleat HEPA filters

H14 aluminium frame mini pleat HEPA filters

Minipleat, aluminium profile, 2 x mesh. 1 x gasket...