Testing and classification of air filters for general ventaliation
ISO 16890 Classification came into effect in November 2016 and replaces the current parallel standard DIN EN 779: 2012 after a transitional period of 18 months.
ISO 16890 has been created to provide a direct link between the performance of an air filter and real application conditions.
The performance of an air filter is shown in filter efficiencies. The basis for this are the PM1, PM2.5, PM10 and Course fine dust classes used by the environmental authorities.
DIN EN ISO 16890 "Air filters for general ventilation" consists of four parts:
Part 1: Technical specifications, requirements and efficiency classification system based on particulate matter efficiency.
Part 2: Measurement of fractional efficiency and air flow resistance
Part 3: Determination of the gravimetric efficiency and the air flow resistance versus the mass of test dust captured.
Part 4: Conditioning method to determine the minimum fractional test efficiency.
EN 779: ISO 16890: Comparison
EN 779: 2012
The particle size 0.4um forms the basis for the test starting with filter class M5 - F9 as a performance criterion
The discharged medium is examined for the minimum separation efficiency
The complete filter is tested in the loaded state
The filter application is not included in the filter selection
The filter performance is based on the filter classes
The classification of the quality class is made from G1 - F9
The test basis is a standardised test method; Real operating conditions for evaluation an air filter are not taken into account
EN 779: 2012
The standard is based on the Ashrae standard 52.2 and EN 779
Particle sizes are taken into account for the classification of 0.3um - 10um
The complete filter is tested in the loaded and unloaded state
Electrostatic discharge takes place in isopropanol saturated atmosphere
The degree of separation is determined without dust loading
A test dust Ashrae will not be used anymore but A2 fine